A Guide On Dating While Social Distancing
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A Guide On Dating While Social Distancing

Social distancing for many of us is a new concept. We’re all working on adjusting to a life of working from home, not meeting friends out for happy hour drinks, spending time figuring out an effective home workout routine; the changes go on and on. Throw on being in a relationship and not living with your partner on top of that, and things just got that much more confusing. The whole point of dating is to be with that person, right? There’s no doubt social distancing can throw a few challenges into your dating lifestyle, but with a few helpful hints, patience, and creativity, you can get through it, and thrive!

Get Ready to Reconnect

Let’s start with some positive news...this social distancing period won’t last forever. You will be able to see your significant other in time, and who knows? This little time away may be a great spark to help you reignite your relationship!

Since you will have been out of the game for a few weeks, take this time to be sure you and your partner are ready to get close when you finally are back together. Whether that’s making sure you’re keeping up with your daily ED medication, or taming your quarantine beard with a grooming kit. Don’t let laziness get the best of you, keep yourself looking good for that post-self-isolation reconnection.

Understanding potential pitfalls and planning for a special, romantic night when this is all over can kick your relationship right back into high-gear!

Try Online Dating

Fortunately, we’re living in a time when the internet is a thing and you can still meet people despite being in your house the majority of the time. Regardless of what you are looking for, there is a dating app for even the pickiest of guys. Though you won’t be able to physically meet with someone you hit it off with, at least you have a new connection and someone new whom you can look forward to meeting!

With social distancing bounding you to your home, remember to be smart with your online dating actions. Since you won’t be able to meet in-person until the COVID-19 outbreak has died down, it’s important you take online dating safety precautions. Remember to always stay on the safe side, and if you ever feel uncomfortable, you can report the user you’re speaking with, or simply cut the relationship off.

Go on Virtual Dates

While getting together for “Marg Monday” or “Taco Tuesday” might be put on hold, COVID-19 can’t stop you from teaming up with your partner for virtual dates. Sure, they may not be the same as holding each other during a scary movie or whipping up your favorite meal, but it can be a nice break from not seeing anyone.

A quick FaceTime date during lunch can be just what you need to motivate you through the rest of your workday. Don’t let social distancing ruin your movie dates, either. Thankfully the new Netflix Party extension allows you to watch movies in sync with other people and even chat during the movie! Again, it isn’t the same as being together, but it’s the next best thing and will help make sure your partner isn’t getting ahead on your favorite series!

Send Flirty Messages

One of the toughest challenges of being in a relationship during these social distancing measures is maintaining your sexual fire. Being away from your partner certainly takes its toll on your physical sex life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be flirty over text.

Though you were probably told sexting is a taboo growing up, it can come in handy during a social distancing relationship. Although It can seem intimidating at first, becoming a sexting expert can be possible with a little bit of confidence, just start slow and be playful. Sexting your fantasies can not only be a fun game to get turned on with your partner, but it can also lead to a steamy meeting when this is all through!

Keep Positive Vibes

This can be a tough time for everyone, especially trying to juggle time away from your partner or the dating scene in general. Despite the social distancing measures in place, and no set end date, don’t let the current situation prey on you mentally.

Do your best to stay positive and find the light during these challenging times. Take up a new hobby at home, rearrange the furniture or do a home project you’ve been procrastinating for months. Regardless of how you get through this social distancing time period, your dating life will be there for you when it’s over. Who knows, this may help you and your partner tremendously, or give you time to practice witty pick-up lines!

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