5 Ways To Show Your Appreciation To Your Employees During a Pandemic
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5 Ways To Show Your Appreciation To Your Employees During a Pandemic

As some states begin to slowly open up, Covid-19 continues to disrupt the norm that we're used to. One year since the pandemic first hit the United States, the way we have lived our lives has been forever changed. From how we interact with friends to traveling, and our day-to-day tasks at our jobs, the pandemic has forced many to find new ways to have a sense of normalcy. While large states like Texas are opening up completely, the CDC still warns us not to get too complacent with reports of lower hospital numbers and deaths.

Although unemployment is high, there are still jobs that are open, with employees working from home, or having limited days in the office. And now with employment appreciation day approaching, leaders are scrambling to find ways to show that appreciation, seeing as this year there cannot be a cake or group outing to a bar.

Here are five ways to show your employees appreciation during COVID-19.

Host A Virtual Happy Hour/Game Evening

Zoom is all the rage but instead of only using it for endless meetings, try inviting your staff to a virtual happy hour where you can play interactive card games and share laughs. Take a moment to thank them for their hardworking, and let's face it! alcohol will make it a great moment.

Host An Amazon Prime Watch Party

Thank God for streaming! With movie theaters being one of the hardest hit industries since Covid, streaming platforms have seen a growth in membership and viewership. With Amazon Prime watch parties, you can chat with up to 100 employees in the same country, while you watch movies and TV shows online together. Every participant will need to buy or rent the video, similar to watching it on your own.

Team Build With An Online Fitness Class

Most will tell you that during the pandemic, they have seen their diet and work out routine change. Working out from home is tough, but many personal trainers and fitness instructors are offering their services virtually. Get your staff moving with a morning workout and educational course on what they can do to keep their bodies moving.

Dinner In A Box

The day of bland dinner in a box is gone. Now many catering companies and food services are pivoting to fit their customer's needs by offering curated, fresh, dinners that can be delivered. Send your hardworking employees dinner with a special note showing how much you value them.

Organize A Virtual Museum Tour

Popular museums such as the MoMa and the Louvre are also adapting to the times we are in, offering the experience of visiting museums, virtually. Step outside the box and show your appreciation by organizing a couple of hours to see great art and culture.

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