How to Keep the Spice in Your Relationship During Quarantine
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How to Keep the Spice in Your Relationship During Quarantine

2020 has dealt us a lot of blows and changed the way we operate on a daily basis. One thing that I personally noticed is that we have become extremely creative in our thinking, in our living, and in our loving. Check out a few simple tips to keep you quarantine love life spicy.

Cook Together

Most couples love to eat but not all couples love to cook, know how to cook, or have even cooked together. During these times, we all must eat so get in that kitchen with your partner and create an evening that neither one of you will forget. I've always felt that the best relationships have been created over food and drinks. Grab a cocktail, check out a recipe and turn up the heat.

Create an in-home Spa

While you're at the grocery store grabbing some items for dinner, grab some Epsom salt, some oils, some candles and depend on how good you are, grab a box of condoms too. Everyone loves to be relaxed but you don't always need to go to a spa to experience that. You can turn your home into a spa. Your partner will appreciate the gesture and intimacy.

Just be Creative

Have you ever been to or heard of Paint and Sip? It's a good fun evening that allows you to sip and stroke. Grab your favorite bottle of wine and go to the craft store to get some canvas' and paint. Create the paint and sip at home for you and your partner.

Let's take a walk in the park

Yes, let's get out of the house and get some fresh air. Let's become one with nature and with your partner. It's something about the open air that makes way for some amazing conversation. It also helps to get the blood flowing while trying to drop those quarantine pounds.

Have Sex

Yes, sex isn't the biggest part of a relationship but it sure is a part of a relationship. During quarantine, why not use that imagination that used to get us through childhood, to spice up your love life. Role Play with your partner, As your partner a secret fantasy that they may want to be fulfilled. Spice it up and get it in.

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