Oprah Winfrey, NAACP and National Voting Rights Leaders Join Together for National Town Hall
There is a time to relax and a time when you need to stand up and get it done. Now, more than ever America needs us to stand up and get it done. Since the Jim Crow era of American history, African Americans have been suppressed when it comes to voting rights. First, it was we aren’t American enough to vote, then it was Blacks don’t understand so they can’t vote, now its suppress the votes as much as we can. In this day and age when police brutality is heavily present, a pandemic has taken over our lives, and people are struggling to make ends meet, its imperative that organizations do their part to encourage and ensure that people know what their voice means to this country. More importantly, it’s what their vote means to this country.
Excitingly, Oprah Winfrey along with her company, OWN Network, is partnering with NAACP and National Voting Rights leaders to host OWN Your Vote: Our Lives Depend On it. This will be a virtual conversation geared towards encouraging people to take action this November’s election. It will educate viewers on how they can register, how they can access absentee ballots, and why they should get involved in this monumental election. The conversation will include prominent leaders in the community such as Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Stacey Abrams of Fair Fight, Minyon Moore of Power Rising, Tiffany Dena Loftin of NAACP Youth and College, Judith Browne Dianis, and other key leaders. To be able to listen and get informed by these powerful voices along with Ms. Oprah Winfrey herself, people have no choice but to get up, get out, get active, and go vote!
Although The Quintessential Gentleman is a predominantly Black men publication, we love the push that this platform will have on Black women. So tell your wife, your friend, your daughter and every Black woman you know.
During this hour-long conversation, not only will it be geared towards voting, but voting for Black women. The study that OWN Network conducted with Black women about voting determined that health care and racism/discrimination are two of the main major issues affecting Black women right now. This is what is most important to them in this election.
Be sure to tune in on September 24th at 8:00 PM EST. it will be an impact you simply can’t miss.
To register for the virtual conversation, go to bit.ly/OprahZoom