FlyGuyDC: More Than Just A Host
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FlyGuyDC: More Than Just A Host


The Quintessential Gentleman always shines light on men who continue to grow and men who make the world a better place. QG spoke with FlyGuyDC to learn more about him as a brand and his future endeavors.

How did you get the name (FlyGuyDC)?

The name used to be SuchaFlyGuyDC but as I transitioned from the age of 18 to 21 and into radio, I felt it better to grow up and rebrand myself, by dropping the “Sucha” to just FlyGuyDC or as my social media serves as IAmFlyGuyDC. In all honesty, I’m just a Fly Guy which is where that part originated from and DC because I’m originally from the District of Columbia.

Who is someone in the hosting industry you look up to and inspires you?

In all honesty no one. That may seem cocky but seriously. Hosting fell in my lap. It was all an accident. I didn’t grow up wanting to hop in the entertainment industry I was, well, still am an athlete but planned to have a criminal justice career to fall back on. I didn’t study anyone or pay close attention. I picked up the mic and just started talking and the fact that people were paying attention and entertained was excitement in its self. I had the juice and didn’t even know it. At this point I look up to myself, to improve my skills, hone my craft like no other. I’ve evolved a lot since I started so I look up to myself to become a better me. 

Explain the inspiration behind hosting? 

The inspiration behind my hosting grind… Like I tell everyone it was an accident, I never thought in 2016 this is where I would be the youngest radio personality in the world on FM radio 5 days sometimes 6 a week, I never saw myself hosting in the hottest clubs not because I didn’t have the ability to do so, it just wasn’t part of the plan. 

It all Started at SCORES nightclub (which is now closed) a few promoter friends of mine encouraged me to pick up the mic and the rest is history. At at first it was a joke to me but the more I did it,I grew a passion for it. I honestly enjoy making people enjoy themselves.

For someone who hasn’t been to an event that was hosted by you, what would someone expect from you parties or event? Paint that picture for us.

Paint the picture mmmmmmmm…..2 or 2,000 no matter how many people you’re guaranteed to enjoy yourself. You can expect the unexpected, the event will be an ever lasting memory. The event will be full of energy, fun, joyful interaction and I promise once you experience an event for yourself you’ll always respect Me…”The Youngest In Charge”.

Why is it important to you to reach back to young people in the community and be a mentor?

Mentorship is important, the youth are our future. I feel it’s important for me to give back because teens can relate to me more so than any other personality in my lane because they are much younger, but I’m not far off from their age 2,3,4, maybe 5 years older tops. With my success level and my age I feel I am relatable to the youth.

How do you balance your job, lifestyle and maintaining being an excelling student?

Balance…man that’s a tough one keeping it 100 I’m busy but I believe that people make time for what we want. It’s all about prioritizing. I’m a firm believer that excuses are tools for the incompetent. Period.

Being that your career is at its peak, why is finishing college so important to you? 

School is VERY IMPORTANT I just finished like fresh out a final. For me the entertainment industry is never guaranteed. I graduate Monday, May 16th, 2016 at 8 o’clock AM (yeah that’s an invite y’all feel free to come through, Fly Guy DC chuckled) but I am graduating and graduating with a 3.5 GPA as a Criminal Justice major with a concentration in Forensics. I’m glad it’s over and done but one word of advice, finish school. Always have a backup plan. It was important to me to finish because anything I put my mind to, I plan to see it through. I’m not a 1/2 ass person.

Is there a “FlyGirl” in the picture?

(FlyGuyDC Smirked) No there isn’t a FlyGirl. I’m Single I’m too focused right now on my career. 

For the single ladies out there, what qualities do you look for in a woman?

I’m picky everyone knows that! I have a check list but I’ll give an insider on 6 things involved in my checklist:

1. Natural beauty: I hate the fake stuff, I’m not a fan of weave, fake lashes, drawn on eyebrows everything ATL is brain washing females into. LOL.

2. I don’t deal with smokers. I don’t smoke or drink so it’s a turn off.

3. NO party girls, I live this lifestyle, I’m not trying to bring it home too. My family knows off rip if I meet a girl in the club I DO NOT take her serious.

4. Ambition is a def turn on. You have to have something going for yourself.

5. A female my height or shorter is my type of lady.

6. I usually only deal with girls my complexion or lighter for the most part.

That’s a sneak peek I might reveal some more details of the checklist  one day soon so ladies stay tuned

What does being a gentleman means to you?

Being a gentleman. It means knowing when to grow up and leave childish things behind. Being a gentleman means having a certain type of swagger. It’s an ensuring mixture of humility and cockiness. A sure confidence knowing when, where and how to assert it.

In five years where do you see yourself and your brand?

In five years…. I see myself as the biggest radio personality in the world. I can achieve anything I put my mind to and I know what I’m capable of. I just leave it at that. I also see myself as an entertainment mogul. I aspire to be established and on television. Within that time period my charity / youth foundation should be started. I’m all about the youth because they are our future. 

What can we expect in the near future from FlyGuyDC and your brand?

I’m not one to speak on things before they happen but just know I’ll be grinding. You can expect more press placements, major Summer events for the upcoming year, a tour maybe two, preparation for my foundation, events will my Footaction family (since I am the newest member of the Footaction Family for the ATL circuit) and lastly you might catch me on a television screen near you this Fall.

Make sure you follow FlyGuyDC on social media @IAmFlyGuyDC

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