The Gentleman's Guide to Entertaining
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The Gentleman's Guide to Entertaining

If you’re a guy who enjoys the occasional social gathering without having to leave the house, the best thing you could do is learn to entertain in your own home. Proper entertaining doesn’t take a lot but there are some rules to the game. If you make the effort to invite people over for a good time, be prepared to do the world. After years of entertaining myself, I have come up with a few tips to make any gathering an experience.

Create an Inviting Space

A man’s home is his castle but when you invite friends over you must create a space that lets them know they are welcome. Never invite people into a cold, stale space without feeling.

Know Your Guests

We know you can’t quiz everyone but to some extent you should know the people who you allow into your home. When thinking of food, drinks, and the evening’s entertainment, don’t only go into it with you in mind. Think of your guests. What do they enjoy talking about? What do they enjoy drinking?

Let the Games Begin

No one enjoys being bored when they are invited to someone’s home. If you are a true entertainer, you’ll have games ready and available before the first person walks through the door. If you are looking for something a little simpler, grab a bowl, a clean one, and d pens. When your guests arrive, have everyone write a question and once you have reached a comfortable number of guests, let the games and conversation begin.

Never Depend

Listen very closely when I give you this advice. Coming from a seasoned host, never depend on any person you invite to supply the main items. Certain items like cups, plates, ice, and even main food items should be on site before the first person walks through the door. In the event something happens and people can’t make the function, they don’t show and neither does the item you tasked them to bring. Save yourself the headache in advance.

Don’t Overdo it

Oftentimes, we all overdo it on something that we care deeply about. When it comes to entertaining guests, one thing we don’t want to do is “Too Much.”

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