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Black Men Gather At The Yizclusive Experience for Prayer and Purpose

As the scare of the global pandemic decreases, the fear of a Black man losing his life to a police officer has increased. Rage has increased around the world and people have stood up and have created platforms to demand change. One platform was the Prayer and Purpose Brunch hosted by Yisrael Wright (Men's Grooming Specialist) and Jeremy Green (Choreographer and Visionary) at The Yizclusive Experience Men's Grooming Spa, located in Atlanta's Beacon area.

This community meeting included Black men ranging from 10 to over 40 years old discussing the current state of our culture. Often times we experience issues and don't listen to the youth's perspective. This event unified everyone by allowing everyone to be heard in an effort to bring about change.

Speakers included Jalen Martin, founder of Unity in Peace Non-Profit, who spoke on ideas to unify and educate. Joining the event was a member of the Atlanta Police Department who admitted being torn between his oath as an officer of the law and a Black man who is the father of four Black boys. Needless to say, the conversation was real and opened up a dialogue that could lead to healing and change. "I use my platform as a cop as a way to speak for you," says the officer.

This is just one of many conversations being had all over the world. Change must come and change starts with education, understanding and unity within our community. Kudo's to the guys for gathering for the need of the community. We all have a responsibility to be apart of the change we seek. Be on the lookout for gatherings in your city.


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