A Voteless People is A Hopeless People

The Quintessential Gentleman has partnered up with The New Georgia Project organization to educate everyone on the importance of your vote as well as getting people registered to vote in Georgia.

“Georgia’s population is growing and becoming increasingly diverse. Over the past decade, the population of Georgia increased 18%. The Rising American Electorate (RAE) – people of color, those 18 to 29 years of age, and unmarried women – is a significant part of that growth. The RAE makes up 62% of the voting age population in Georgia, but they are only 53% of registered voters.”

The New Georgia Project is a nonprofit, nonpartisan civic engagement organization located in Atlanta, Georgia whose 2016 goal is to address the inequality we face in Georgia where more than 800,000 eligible African Americans, Latinos and Asian Americans are not registered to vote.

In 2014, New Georgia Project launched an ambitious voter registration program resulting in roughly 69,000 new voters making the roles.

The Quintessential Gentleman shares The New Georgia Project’s goal to increase the number of register, engage and advocate for underrepresented voters in the State of Georgia.

To be eligible to vote in Georgia you must be:

  1. A citizen of the United States
  2. A legal resident of Georgia and of the county in which you wish to vote
  3. At least 18 years of age by Election Day
  4. Not serving any sentence imposed by the conviction of a felony
  5. Not judicially determined to be mentally incompetent