NFL Reopens Giants Kicker, Josh Brown Domestic Abuse Investigation

The NFL will reopen the domestic violence case for New York Giants kicker Josh Brown.
Brown was already suspended one game this year for domestic violence, which happened in May 2015. However, according to Business Insider, new evidence emerged, thus, more investigating will be done by the NFL.
The Giants have already announced Brown will not travel with the team Sunday when the Giants play the St. Louis Rams in London. Still, the Giants said they will review the information when they return from London, though.
On Wednesday, the Kings County Sheriff’s Department t released a whopping 165-page report, and, according to Sports Net New York, the document also includes a journal entry in which the Giants kicker confessed to emotionally and physically abusing his wife. This is the type of crime that, if charged, will likely lead to the defendant seeking a criminal defense; for a criminal defense lawyer in NJ , you may want to contact lawyers at the Simon Law Group.
“I have physically, mentally, emotionally and verbally been a repulsive man,” SNY said Brown wrote.
When Brown was initially arrested, the NFL said they tried several times to get a hold of the documents, but, according to the NFL, King’s County Sherriff’s Department failed to comply.
Today, the NFL released a statement:
NFL investigators made repeated attempts—both orally and in writing—to obtain any and all evidence and relevant information in this case from the King County Sheriff’s Office. Each of those requests was denied and the Sheriff’s Office declined to provide any of the requested information, which ultimately limited our ability to fully investigate this matter. We concluded our own investigation, more than a year after the initial incident, based on the facts and evidence available to us at the time and after making exhaustive attempts to obtain information in a timely fashion. It is unfortunate that we did not have the benefit or knowledge of these materials at the time.
In light of the release of these documents yesterday, we will thoroughly review the additional information and determine next steps in the context of the NFL Personal Conduct Policy. We will not be making any comments on potential discipline until that time.
Later on, the Giants said the following:
The Giants do not condone or excuse any form of domestic violence. Josh has acknowledged that he has issues in his life and has been working on these issues through therapy and counseling for a long period of time.
The NFL needed to cut ties with Brown yesterday. Ray Rice physically abused his significant other in an Atlantic City elevator, and he is nowhere to be found in the NFL, today. So, Brown needs to get the same treatment—point, blank period.
But it’s sad the NFL waited until the spotlight was on Brown to make respectable effort at investigating. This tells me, of course, the NFL cares more about public relations than, let’s say, ethics, or even just doing what’s right.
It’s no wonder the NFL’s ratings are dropping. Bravo, NFL.