Delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, is common after a workout. This muscle soreness often starts a few hours after exercise and is at its worst when you wake up the morning after, but it can set in as long as two days after your workout. DOMS is often worse after you’ve pushed yourself harder than usual or tried a different workout that uses a different muscle group that you perhaps don’t usually exercise. It’s normal, and it’s generally a sign that you are doing a good job, and that your muscles are getting stronger. But severe DOMS can make life difficult and very uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do to ease your aching muscles.
Here’s a look at some options.
Practice Self Massage
Massaging your sore muscles is a great way to reduce aches and pains, boost blood flow, and speed up recovery. A simple massage with your hands can be effective, but many people prefer to use a foam roller and a massage gun for the best results.
Don’t Neglect Your Cool Down
Warming up is essential if you want to prevent injuries and maximize your workout. But if you want to reduce aches and pains, then cooling down after a workout is even more crucial. A simple cool-down routine or even a short yoga routine made up of gentle, full-body stretches, can reduce aches and pains, and prevent any stiffness.
Get Comfy – with the Right Support
If you are achy, there’s nothing wrong with getting comfy and relaxing for a while. But you should make sure you have the right support. Slouching on a sofa will only make things worse. If you like to relax on a bean bag chair, adding a neck pillow can offer extra neck support and make you more comfortable. A back support pillow, or a footstool so that you can lift your legs could also help. Take a look at this neck pillow bean bag from Sumo Lounge as one option.
Always Refuel
Refueling after a workout with extra water, healthy snacks, and meals that are high in protein gives your body what it needs to recover quickly and build muscle effectively. Refueling will also boost your energy levels and help you to avoid feeling fatigued.
Move to Avoid Stiffness
Resting after a tough workout is essential, and there’s nothing wrong with chilling on a bean bag, getting comfy on the sofa, soaking in a hot bath, or even taking a nap, but staying too still for too long will cause joint stiffness and make muscle pain worse. Try to get up and move around now and then for a faster, less painful recovery.
Take Painkillers
If you are very uncomfortable, taking painkillers can help to reduce pain and make going about your daily tasks easier.
DOMS usually start to feel better after a day or two and shouldn’t stop you from carrying on with your day-to-day activities or even enjoying gentle exercise. If they do, consider seeing your doctor for further advice.