‘Thoughts of a Colored Man’ Officially Opens on Broadway and Makes History

Last night was the opening night for the new Broadway play, Thoughts of a Colored Man, which is the first Broadway play in history to be written and directed by Black men, and include an all Black man cast.

Written by Keenan Scott II, Thoughts of a Colored Man explores a single day in the life of seven men who live in Brooklyn, New York. Directed by Steve H. Broadnax III, the play blends spoken word, slam poetry, rhythm, and humor into a daringly universal new play, which also pulls you into a world where Black men are vibrant, proud, and thriving in today’s society.

This theatrical masterpiece shines the brightest light onto these men, a tight-knit brotherhood, revealing their most triumphant selves. Each experience transcends the barbershops and basketball courts of their community and reveals the deeply human hopes, joys, sorrows, fears, and dreams of all men, all people.

Thoughts of a Colored Man is presented by Kandi Burruss-Tucker, Sheryl Lee Ralph, and Brian Anthony Moreland and features stars Dyllón Burnside, Bryan Terrell Clark, Da’Vinchi, Luke James, Forrest McClendon, Tristan ‘Mack’ Wilds, and Esau Pritchett.

Thoughts of a Colored Man is currently playing at the John Golden Theater. Get your tickets here.