Brandon McGhee Created a Six-Figure Business By Helping Creatives
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Brandon McGhee Created a Six-Figure Business By Helping Creatives

In 2018, businessman and philanthropist Brandon McGhee founded Cre8te Technology. Established on diversity and fueled by limitless imagination, Cre8te is not your average tech company. If you have an idea but need guidance to bring your vision to fruition, this is the place for you. Cre8te Technology assists clients with prototypes, patents, and marketing. McGhee’s team of employees contains developers, coders, engineers, marketers, and project managers. And all to make your dream a reality.

In an interview with QG, he shares his journey in developing a successful company.

"Whether it's applications of AI, whether it's robotic, any ingenious ideas that you have, clients have, our job is to make sure that we bring them to pass for you," McGhee explains.

Despite being mentored by a tech billionaire for several years, McGhee realized that he would need the help of a different kind. Still unsure of how to transform his ideas into plans, he relied on his faith in God. After his mentor retired, he left Mcgee with a team of 20 employees.

“So I'm like, okay, what should I name this company?” he recalls. “And I remember it like it was yesterday. I'm on an airplane, and I looked up in the clouds, and I said, okay, God, I need a name. He said, name the company after me. I'm the ultimate creator. So, name it, create, and watch what I do with it. That's how it came to pass, man.”

When reflecting on essential traits for a founder and their team, he believes communication and hospitality are crucial. His goal is to not only offer stellar customer service but also make the clients feel welcome.

While on the topic of necessary attributes for a team, particularly developers and coders, he adds, "We want to see that you have some type of schooling or some hours in that area. That's pivotal for us. So, when I'm hiring team members, I want to see that. I want to see your portfolio. I want to see your resume. So, those are things that we stress as well.”

Many clients approach the company with a business venture that is still in its infantile stage. Others have a patent or prototype and need assistance with marketing. Whatever stage a client is in, Cre8teTechnology is there through it all. In this business, the company is approached by professionals in various types of industries.

McGhee admits that there are few minorities in this industry and emphases the importance of ownership for everyone. He hopes to change the narrative and help make the field more inclusive.

After considering how social media is beneficial for professionals in the tech industry and its impact in the future, he said, " Social media has changed the game tremendously. That's where everyone goes. Without social media right now, it would be hard for a lot of companies to get [be] known out there. Because once you put it on social media, the world sees it. So, it plays a huge part in any industry. The AI is taking over in a minute. There's going to be robotics, [and] that's going to take jobs away from people. It's sad, but that's just the reality of it.”

According to McGhee, Cre8teTechnology has developed numerous apps, and 70% of its client base uses apps. For his clients, downloads are a key focus.

"If you download the app, there's a fee to pay for the app," he states. "So, that's why the download is really important. So, if they're spending [between] $15,000 to $20,000 on the app, they want to make sure that those downloads are coming."

McGhee believes websites are becoming obsolete and advises only using one to direct traffic to an app. He also claims that apps' popularity will continue to rise due to user-friendly convenience and being a viable resource for information.

In the COVID era, Zoom is a classic example of a thriving technology. As an industry expert McGhee gives his opinion on the future of Zoom beyond the pandemic.

"If you were to fast forward years down the line, I don't think Zoom will be as impactful as it is now than it would be in the future," he said.

"Because Zoom, this was their time and their moment. And they're taking full advantage of that. But I do think that they will do something to make it more to stay in the race. "

There are many great things on the horizon for Cre8te Technology, and McGhee agreed to share a bit about it.

"We're coming out with a high-tech suitcase," he exclaims.

"It will be a table attached to your suitcase. You can sit and eat at your table from your suitcase. There will also be a flask implemented in the suitcase. So, if you have drinks or whatever beverage, you put it in the flask. It can go inside of your suitcase and come out outside your suitcase."

For Brandon, it's all about being a positive example. Money and fame aren't the driving force that compels him to excel in this industry. He also believes that becoming an athlete is only one of the many paths that can lead to success.

He continues by adding, "If you look at the top five richest people in the world, there isn’t our color there. So, we have to change the narrative. And it's just to be an example and to help show the youth that if you put your mind to it, it can be done. Don't start a business to make money. Start a business to make a difference, and then the money will come. Keep God at the center, man, and everything will come to pass."

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