Black Man, there is power in making your mental health top priority. The Quintessential Gentleman recognized the importance of Black men and their mental health with our latest digital series, Black Man, Get You Some Therapy, in partnership with Real Talk Sessions Series. The conversation around Black men and mental health is scarce. Although times are changing and more people are starting to engage and discuss the importance of mental health, Black men are often left out of the conversation. Depression, anxiety, past trauma, suicidal thoughts and other factors all contribute to our relationship with mental health. Generational teachings have taught us that we should not cry, show emotion and always be strong. Those teachings led many of us to believe in the “Man up” logic.
As the conversation continues, The Quintessential Gentleman partnered with Real Talk Session Series to put action behind the conversation by creating a positive space for Black men to express themselves and get the help they need. Ultimately, we are advocates for therapy, another topic that was taught to us with a negative light, but what if some of us shared certain experiences? What if by hearing and seeing someone who looks like us gave us quick tidbits on some of the issues we face, helps us start our healing?
Black Man, Get You Some Therapy was created to inspire Black men to understand that their feelings are valid, and that there is help and resources for them to seek help.
Each episode of the digital series features Pervis Taylor, Jean Semelfort and Ted Peterson, discussing a topic and providing ways to acknowledge, cope and heal.
Check out what we learned from the first season.
Anger Episode
During our first episode, we discussed anger, an emotion so many of us suppress and have an unhealthy relationship with.
What we learned:
- Anger can be constructive or destructive.
- Anger is a natural emotion that most of us seem to forget.
- It is okay to accept your anger, just find a healthy outlet to help that emotion pass.
- Anger is a secondary emotion, the primary emotion is hurt.
- We must first acknowledge anger in order to address it.
High Functioning Depression Episode
During our second episode, we discussed a topic that has seemed to be hidden in our community. Oftentimes, since we are thriving and excelling, we never take the time out to acknowledge our sadness or hurt. “Hustle Culture” pushes us to keep going, all in an effort to achieve the “American Dream.” In this episode, we look further into what may cause high-functioning depression.
What we learn:
- High-Functioning Depression is difficult to detect
- Imposter syndrome is an indicator of High-Functioning Depression
- Increased irritability is a way to identify High-Functioning Depression
- It is courageous to admit that things are not working out in your life.
Fatherhood Episode
The constant cycle of family trauma and the role of fathers in the household is a continuous topic and serves as the root of many issues Black men may be facing. In this episode, the specialists speak on Fatherhood and the healing process.
What we learn:
- Not all Black fathers are absent fathers.
- Fatherhood can show up in so many ways.
- Resentment and anger often result in a missing father
- Acknowledging your resentment is a step towards healing.
- Healing cannot be rushed.
Emotional Intelligence Episode
When we think of how we heal, we often stick to the same topics and methods we know. In this episode, the specialists weigh in on a topic that often gets overlooked. Emotional Intelligence. The topic may be new to some, and others may not have known that being emotional in tune is a strength to practice in the healing process.
What we learn:
- Emotional Intelligence is our capacity to be compassionate.
- Emotional intelligence is our capacity to be empathetic.
- As Men, Emotional Intelligence helps us have a more successful life
- Those with a high sense of Emotional Intelligence know how others may be affected by their actions
- Emotional Intelligence is when we can not only identify our emotions but the emotions of others.