Birmingham Mayor Pardoned Citizens Convicted of Marijuana Possession for 4/20
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Birmingham Mayor Pardoned Citizens Convicted of Marijuana Possession for 4/20

Birmingham, AL Mayor Randall Woodfin made a lot of citizens happy on 4/20, known as an unofficial holiday for marijuana smokers, when he pardoned all citizens who were convicted of misdemeanor marijuana possession by the city over the last three decades, resulting in 15,000 pardons.

Woofin made the announcement on Tuesday, April 19, as it was a part of efforts to mitigate the damages that were caused to citizens during the war on drugs.

“Today, I’m so happy to announce blanket pardons for those with closed marijuana possession convictions in the city between 1990 and 2020. This will pardon more than 15,000 individuals simultaneously,” Woodfin wrote on Twitter.

“Here’s why we’re doing this – no one should be held up by a single past mistake. No one should be denied job opportunities or freedoms due to missteps from the past. No longer will these residents be bound to their past. They deserve a chance to be part of our workforce, to provide for their families and to achieve success on their own.“

The pardons were given automatically by the municipal court in Birmingham. The convicted citizens were not required to appear in court, pay fines, or appeal to any requirements to receive their pardons.

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