6 Habits of Healthy, Happy Men

I take care of my mind, body and soul. My experience with Army training and my own personal fitness journey, I have worked hard for the body I have. I was always active in my youth, from basketball to football, I kept busy with sports. The commitment to fitness I have is often seen through my Instagram feed of intense workouts. Not only has my military background allowed me to be physically fit and disciplined in my training, but it’s attributed to how I take care of my mind. I’ve spent time learning new things, surrounding myself with positive people, and continuously making an effort to spread positivity to others whenever I can. These sort of habits have allowed me to stay happy. Without a healthy mind, it can be hard to have a healthy body. Conversely, without a healthy body, it can be hard to have a happy mind. Having a balance between staying fit and being happy is only achieved through routine and being proactive.

Right amount of sleep. Our bodies need to recharge. Getting a good night’s rest will greatly improve your mental health and your energy throughout the day. We produce our best work when we have the energy needed. Cool environments are best, and you can get a more restful sleep with Chilipad bed cooling systems.

Train outside of the gym. While going to the gym can be important to ensuring physical fitness, it’s even more important to keep that same dedication up outside of the gym. As well, if you can’t head to a gym, exercising at home a couple of minutes every day will still give you a clearer mind and keep you in shape.

Smiling is important. It is the easiest way to show kindness. It spreads happiness and is infectious. The more we smile, the more likely we are to be seen as more approachable and feel more confidence in ourselves.

Meditate. It’s important that we take moments to readjust. Taking a moment for yourself to breathe, clear your mind, and focus on your energy. Our minds need time to relax.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood. When we take the time to understand things we don’t understand, we become better thinkers and people for it. Taking the time to listen to others and learning enriches our minds.

Try not to allow your emotions to overwhelm your intelligence. It is very easy to let our emotions get the best of us. During these times, it is critical that we always assess why we feel the way we do, and how we can move on from it. Our emotions should never drive us to be less thoughtful whether in regards to ourselves or those around us.

The views expressed are my own and do not reflect the official policy or position of the U.S. Army, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. To learn more, follow Christian D. Price on Instagram at @iamchristiandprice and on Facebook Christian Price.