James Brown said: It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World, but in this man’s world only few are true gentlemen. There is a supply shortage of TV shows, articles, and books dedicated to the advancement and enhancement of men’s lives. We have very few guides for what the perfect gentleman should entail. No one is telling the men what to wear, eat, or how to conduct himself. Men are left to their own devices in life. Here’s a list I complied of a few things all men should know, do, or own to become the perfect gentleman in this man’s world.
Own a black suit: There isn’t any other clothing essential more prominent to a man than a plain black suit. Oh, the many places a single black suit can take you. First of all, the jacket alone will do wonders for your wardrobe. The black pants are the bonus. There are many ways one can mix and match one suit with a plethora of dress shirts, tees, and sweaters. That single black suit will be a lifesaver. The sad part is, most men don’t own a suit. If you’re over 30 and don’t own one suit, shame on you. Do yourself a favor and go grab a black suit. And I’ll be remiss if I didn’t mention the need to own a pair of black and brown dress shoes too.

How to cut your own hair: We know the most important thing to a man is his barber. However, it isn’t always easy finding a reliable, available, good barber. Finding one is like a needle in a haystack. And when you do find one, it ultimately becomes the most important relationship to any man. In the meantime- dealing with the many hang-ups and disappointments barbers can sometimes offer, I believe you should always know how to tidy yourself up. No one is asking you to do a full-blown haircut, mainly something to hold you over. Trimming of the beard is always a start.

Signature scent: The importance of you being a man is smelling like one. Find a signature cologne, lotion, or deodorant that compliments you best. It can be all three or one of the above. Committing to the scent is how it becomes your signature aroma. Women love men who smell good. It’s the best impression next to a haircut. The key here is finding what smells best on you. Trying to duplicate another man’s scent can backfire. What smells good on him may stink on you

How to cook: No one is asking for Chef Roble’, but being able to cook a basic three course meal is all you need to be able to do. More importantly, master a signature dish that’s often requested. Have a go-to dish for parties and one you’re able to impress all your lady friends with.

Practice abstinence: I know some of you just now checked out. Yes, there isn’t anything else better for us in life than discipline, self-discipline that is. Being able to sustain from the art of loving making will teach you another level of discipline, but also help you grow mentally. Plus, it helps with building your chi.

Travel: New places and new faces are good for one’s overall life experiences. Travel to a new city or state once or twice a year. Regardless if it’s the same state or city, venture off to new areas in said state. Also, obtain a passport. Even if you don’t use it, just have one on standby for the event of.

Financially support a woman: Only because the ball is often dropped when courting, and going on dates is becoming obsolete. Men need to know how to treat women financially. A live-in girlfriend is always a good way, even though some are still not cool with the ideal of co-habiting before marriage. Yes, it’s putting the cart before the horse, but it also prepares you for marriage. Hey, you can also practice with your mother, aunt, sister, or niece. There isn’t anything wrong with spoiling the women in your life.

How to negotiate: Because we live in the world of devices, many have lost the art of communication. Our voices have gotten lost behind our ability to say whatever via our thumbs. Some men don’t have the balls to ask for that raise they deserve or the skills to negotiate that new position they’re more than qualified for. Hell, you might just want a closer parking spot. Many lack the ability to speak up. Also, learn how to illustrate a fine-tuned and well-crafted email. Your words are your power.

Own a watch: While I’ll suggest you own two, you can opt for one. You don’t have to spend thousands on one, but a few hundred (or one) will do the job. It’s an investment. You simply need a good everyday watch and perhaps a sports watch for activity. Something fancy enough for when you’re dressed to the 9’s. Along with one you can bang up while you’re on the move in everyday life.

Learn to play golf & smoke a cigar: You’d be surprised how many business deals are done over a game of golf and cigar smoking. Hon the art of smoking a cigar and pairing with the right cognac or brandy that you’re able to handle. In addition to practicing on your game of golf. Scoring a few hole in one’s might secure you the bigger score in life.