Young Black Men Get a Dose of Entrepreneurship While Cleaning the Community

This past Saturday, Humbl Hustlr held an entrepreneurship workshop and community cleanup in Atlanta. 26 young black men ages 11-17 and 35 black men representing black-owned businesses across various industries came together at the Russell Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship to build on the ideas and concepts of entrepreneurship and learn what it means to make an impact in the community.

Photo by Keno of Bishop Lewis; Chairman for the Vine City Civic Association Center

The goal of the workshop and cleanup was to cultivate the next generation of leaders by providing knowledge and transformational skills needed in entrepreneurship while cleaning the community! The event consisted of a workshop where the mentors helped the young men create a mission statement, social media marketing and branding plans for their business or service. At the end of the workshop each group came together to pitch their project and share the new ideas they will be implementing.

Elite Mobile Parties shuttle services then took the young men for a fun ride to the Vine City Center where they were met by music from Praise 102.5, their mentors and Bishop Lewis, the Chairman for the Vine City Civic Association Center to learn about the historic importance of the area. Bishop educated and motivated them saying, “whatever it is you want, you can do” before sending them off to clean the area. Marquise McAlpin of The Build Up LLC led the team in execution of the clean up.

Upon their return to the Vine City Center the young men were surprised to meet Atlanta City Councilman, Antonio Brown, be served ice cream from Bucks Ice Cream truck and a bookbag full of goodies from our sponsors such as water bottles, note pads, gift cards, USB drives and hats.

Just like the saying “it takes a village” that was truly the same mentality that made this event such a success. Individuals and organizations from all over Atlanta came together to make this happen.

Check out more photos from the event below.

Event sponsored by Streetz 94.5 Radio Station and Stein & Fox Accidental Attorneys.