In today’s society, we know that our mental and physical health and the future of our community is very important to us. Brandon Mashack is focused on the same things but has created a life and multiple brands around instilling these values in everyone, from children to adults. He is a health and fitness coach, a children’s book author, a social media manager, graphic and an elementary school mentor. The true epitome of a renaissance man.
Born and raised in Georgia, Brandon has learned that everything you experience in life is eventually going to prepare you for the next level in your journey. He discovered his creativity at an early age after seeing the amazing drawings that his best friend created. Soon, he was drawing as well, finding his own style along the way. Brandon eventually had the chance to work with one of Atlanta’s great visual artists Fahamu Pecou who also happened to be his cousin. Brandon admits that for much of his childhood he struggled with controlling his anger. He often found himself getting into fights, causing him to change schools. After years of expulsion, suspended, detention, fighting with peers, and even punching a cop in the face, Brandon finally made the effort to change.
He decided to channel his energy into a passion for life. In 2010, in order to get a fresh start, he moved to Florida where he finished high school and graduated from college with a degree in graphic design and animation. During Brandon’s years in Florida, he learned more about himself. He began to take himself more seriously and that included his mental health as well as his physical health. “My passion for fitness started when I first decided to lose weight in 2012 while still living in Florida, the half-naked lifestyle state; I was very insecure about my body but through the year I made a crazy transformation so people started asking me for advice. In 2013, I first coined the phrase “Get Gains Or Get Gone” as a command to your own mind to go for it all or nothing at all, spreading the hashtag through IG and FB. I gained the passion to help others achieve their transformation and started personal training in 2014.” Says Brandon.
Eventually, Brandon decided that it was time to combine his love for the arts and fitness when he created the 5 volume series “Bshack’s Exercise Book for Kids”. The children’s book series is aimed at teaching Exercise & Nutrition to kids while spreading cultural diversity. He has been very successful in getting the message out. He has had the opportunity to share with people in the schools, events, libraries, churches, and nonprofits. In 2018 life came full circle when he began lending his time to A.W Matthews Boys and Girls Club, the place he had got kicked out of when he was a kid and he joined Cobb mentoring Matters Midway and started mentoring kids at the elementary school he was expelled from in the 2nd grade.
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“I want to also build relationships with schools, and eventually receive support to open a health, exercise, Mentoring, & life coaching facility for kids in Cobb County, based off the book”.
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