Terrence Terrell Creates “I Crowned Me” Which Combats Bullying

I Crowned Me‘s goal is to stop bullies by teaching kids about self-love and confidence. The founder, Terrence Terrell, is a man who defines and lives in his own lane of what he feels a man should be. Terrence goes from school to school speaking to children about “what is a bully?” and “how can we stop bullying?”. He is also an author who has published two children’s books like Blacky and the SHE which every child of color should have! We had the opportunity to speak with Terrence to learn more about I Crowned Me and how you can support!

What is “I Crowned Me”?

“I Crowned Me” is the umbrella to my brand of books and inspirational art for the world especially children who feel like they don’t belong in the “In crowd”.

What inspired you to start the “I Crowned Me” organization?

I was inspired by my childhood. I was teased and bullied throughout my life even as an adult in a lot of my work environments. Last year, I hit a wall after going through depression and instead of letting it beat me or encourage hurting myself I decided to create a place for people like myself to be free and to be who they are. An empire of self-love and self-confidence.

What are your thoughts on the Keaton Jones video that has gone viral?

It makes me sad that his family could’ve possibly used him for monetary gained, but at the same time, I was always taught that you treat others the way you would want to be treated. We have to fight hate with love and understanding and at the end of it, Keaton is another child who is being bullied and we as a people have to teach the youth right from wrong. We should pray for his mother and hopefully, she will learn from this as well.

How can people get involved or support I Crowned Me?

You can visit www.iCrownedMe.com and follow us at @iCrownedme or www.TerrenceTerrell.com / @iamTerrenceT