Shaft Selected As Opening Night Film at The 2019 American Black Film Festival

The son of Shaft, JJ-aka John Shaft, Jr. must unveil the secrets surrounding the untimely death of his best friend. For this undertaking, he’ll need the help of his legendary father. The two join forces and traverse the streets of Harlem. Nevertheless, Shaft still has his own agenda. Tim Story directs the promising, new film, featuring the acting talents of Jessie T. Usher, Samuel L. Jackson, and Richard Roundtree.

Fans are in for a treat with the latest action-packed installment of this mega movie franchise. Good things always come in threes. What could be better than seeing these superstars team up and make their mark on an iconic story? As expected, the action sequences are undertaken with stylish sophistication and humor. There’s no better way to celebrate the prestigious American Black Film Festival’s opening night than with this timely revamped classic.


ABFF showcases emerging talent from an ethnic demographic and offers top industry exposure. They are heralded as one of the leading film festivals in the world. ABFF Ventures, LLC is an eclectic entertainment company that produces live events and branded content. Its goal is to offer uplifting entertainment for people of color and promote diversity in Hollywood.

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Check out the movie trailer below.