This past weekend Ge’ores Closet lead a day of community service that touched a lot of people. Ge’ore Webb (Owner/Stylist of Ge’ores Closet) brought together friends, family and business associates and took to the streets where he saw a need to help the community. Not only did the day consist of feeding hungry Men, Women and Children it also included clothing them as well as testing them for AIDS/HIV and offering Mental Health and Substance Abuse services. “It was a huge success and a mission achieved. Although having a overwhelming feeling to give back afterwards was very emotional for me because I didn’t know what to expect but the goal was to feed more than 100 people and we did just that. I am so thankful for the people we got the chance to bless and thankful to volunteers that came out help serve their community.” Says Ge’ore. Connect with Ge’ore and find out how you can be apart of the moment at .