Game Of Thrones Preview: “The Dragon and The Wolf”

We are just a few hours away from the Season Seven finale of Game of Thrones. The Dragon and The Wolf will be the longest episode to date coming in at 79 minutes and 43 seconds. We may presume that every moment will be thrilling and terrifying and hopefully give viewers some closure. Closure on what? That’s up to the show, but here are some things that may happen in the final episode.

And for one final time…

This Week in Westeros…….

Having trouble seeing through all the rumors and fan theories? Just want the final episode to come and never end? Tough luck, but make the most of every second.

We’re finally out of the Snow(not Jon), and heading back to Westeros. At some point, we’ll finally have the three Main Characters all in one location, and the tension couldn’t possibly be higher. Speculation suggests that Dany will nonchalantly ride in on a Dragon just because she is *Insert 30 minutes of titles*.

The Main Event:

The meeting between the Targaryens(Jon included) and Lannisters will be one of the most intense power struggles we’ve seen on the show. Cersei and Dany not willing to budge an inch and likely some remarks on who’s winning the war that disturb the other. Jon, more than likely close to selling all of the North to the Lannisters just because he’s seen the Night King.

What could come of this meeting being held in the place where the last Dragons were killed by the mob? It could be disastrous; we’ve been expecting a major character to die all season. Assuming you don’t count the dragon, we’ve seen supporting characters bite the dust but what about our heroes? Certain fan theories believe this may be the episode where Jaime kills Cersei but the show hasn’t made much of an effort to foreshadow that (at least for this season). Having them rush to it now would be as crazy as capturing a white walker to bring it all the way to Kings Landing to show the person they could just as easily remove and not have to worry about anymore(….).

So, of course, they wouldn’t possibly do that.

Some believe that Jon and Dany will get married this episode which seems a little bit more conceivable. If the mood is right and they have the time, they’ll have to find a Maister to officiate the proceedings. If they were to do so, one must wonder, would it happen before or after Jon finds out he’s her nephew?

A Stark must always be in Winterfell

In Season Seven we’ve spent more time in the North than we have since Season one. Bran, Sansa, and Arya are home in Winterfell, and the situation probably couldn’t be worse. Sansa and Arya are at each other throats and the Northern Lords could potentially withdraw their support. The Sansa and Arya situation will be resolved tonight, hopefully with them still alive, but it may not fix their problems the other lords.

To top it off some people think Bran is the Night King.

Yeah, according to scattered fan theories that believe young Bran is the Night King. Without going into detail, this theory seems more or less, highly probable. As has been shown, Bran can, in his own way, travel through time. He can not only travel through time but he can theoretically change it.

He may be the only person that can stop the Ice King but for that reason, that may be why the Ice King wants to capture him. Bran may also directly be responsible for White Walkers ability to get through the wall.