It’s now December and you should start receiving your festive invitations to your company’s holiday party! You are either super excited because you can drink top liquor on the company’s dime or upset because it is another event that you have to play nice with the people who make your job a living hell! But you have to come back to work the next day so we got some assistance from Twitter to help you know what not to say at your holiday party this year!
#ThingsNotToSayAtAHolidayParty Wanna jingle my bells? — Angela (@AngRod78) November 26, 2017
#ThingsNotToSayAtAHolidayParty I licked all the ? shrimp, but put them back — Lisa ? (@Lisaley) November 26, 2017
#ThingsNotToSayAtAHolidayParty I’ll start off the karaoke ? — Lisa ? (@Lisaley) November 26, 2017
I hate you people, I’m just here for the booze.#ThingsNotToSayAtAHolidayParty — YellowNoelGerbil (@yellowgerbil) November 26, 2017
Somebody get me a lampshade… I feel like dancin’!! #ThingsNotToSayAtAHolidayParty — Bob Marsdale (@BobMarsdale) November 26, 2017
“So…have I stayed long enough for me to leave without seeming impolite?” #ThingsNotToSayAtAHolidayParty — Amelia (@aaammeelliiaaa) November 27, 2017
Your party sucks. #ThingsNotToSayAtAHolidayParty — Mr. Busy ? (@busywerk) November 27, 2017
#ThingsNotToSayAtAHolidayParty “Holiday”? It’s a CHRISTMAS party, people! — Helen ??? (@HelenMaryMe) November 26, 2017