It’s officially spring, although it doesn’t feel like it in New York City, but for all the other parts of the United States you should be feeling it! While you’re going through your spring clothes and cleaning up the house, we also want to remind you of some ways to make sure your appearance stays clean. We spoke with male grooming expert, Stephen Handisides, and he gave us 5 Grooming Tips you should never forget regardless of the season.
- Cut the hair off your ears and neck. The sight of long ear hairs, or neck hair going into the collar of your shirt, is never a good look! Your barber will normally do this for you or ask your partner to help you keep these unsightly hairs away. You may decide that you would like to do this process yourself and so you can get all the relevant information from this men’s style and grooming guides if this is the case.
- Keep your nails short and clean. Dirty, long fingernails are not appreciated by women if you are wanting to impress one. The hands are the second most important feature, according to, that women look at for some time in a male. Have a monthly manicure/pedicure and you will be surprised how good it feels afterward. I also recommend buffing your nails as a way to keep the healthy shine without looking artificial.
- Cleanse your face morning and night with a good facial cleanser. Many of my friends used to use the same soap on their body that they use on their face, which can be very harsh and can dry out your skin. The skin on our face is exposed to all the free radicals throughout the day, so you must look after it to maintain good skin health. Great cleansers I use are Auspect, ZO SkinHealth and Ultraceuticals. You may also want to use body products on your hands and legs to ensure they’re properly clean too. A strong, healthy body can fight off diseases and even pesky viruses like warts. The most common warts, according to is the flat wart which can appear anywhere on the body, but mostly hands and legs. So ensure you’re eating a healthy diet and keeping clean to avoid getting flat warts.
- Dress to impress. Wearing tailored clothing, no matter what your shape, is the right fit and it makes everything look so much better. If I go out to dinner and want to have the ‘smart casual’ look, investing in a nice pair of jeans and dress shoes can give you a polished look.
- Trimming your Beard Regularly. Whether you just want to maintain length or grow out your beard, regular trimming should be a part of your routine. Eliminating dead and split ends will help maintain your beard’s appearance and give it a healthy look. I recommend trimming at least once per week, however it’s a matter of preference.