Introducing Lifestyle Influencer Que Jackson

Laquente “Que” Jackson has the unique ability to bring people together, open lines of communication and create happiness. He possess a vivacious smile, award winning personality and a brilliant business mind combined with a genuine concern for others. When these traits come together in the same person the result are simply electrifying. Every once in a while a new powerhouse arrives on the business scene and re-sets the standards for customer service and business practices. In Atlanta, Que Jackson has done just that.

From Que Jackson’s early childhood in Cleveland, Ohio he always stood apart from the rest with an endless supply of energy and unquenchable thirst for learning everything he could about business. In his high school years, his extracurricular activities included student counsel business programs as well as working with the Urban League of Greater Cleveland where he was offered a job on the Youth Development Board assisting and implementing new ideas into programs. He soon found that Cleveland was becoming too small and couldn’t offer the challenges needed for an inspiring young entrepreneur. With the help of family, friends and a growing list of prominent mentors he made the move to Atlanta where he seized a multitude of opportunities that he once only dreamed of. That is no surprise however, Que has demonstrated a remarkable level of skill and ability in making not only his own dreams come true, he has built a business around doing the same for others.

In 2011 Que Jackson, founded Quente’Sential Branding which has become the fastest growing Business Image Consulting Company in Atlanta. Que Jackson has a strong dedication to quality relationships with clients and a total commitment to customer service and care. “It is all about developing a good relationship with the targeted public for successful brand management. I have the right tools, the right network, at the right price to make Quente’Sential Branding the perfect investment for today’s Entrepreneurs” says Que Jackson. Putting his broad knowledge of business practices and experience together with his constant commitment to higher learning and undeniable confidence, Que Jackson ensures a measurable level of success and an ever expanding market share. Also, he has recently added Show Hosting and Producing to his resume as he recently joined “It’s T’Marie Radio” .

Que Jackson believes that it’s easy to describe who he is and what he does and feels the more important thing to know about him is Why he does it. “To me America is still the land of unfettered opportunities and I believe it is important to reach out and help others along your way to success. One of my favorite quotes comes from Zig Ziglar who said, ‘You can have everything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.’ I live those words.”

Make sure you look out for Que Jackson’s contribution to The Quintessential Gentleman.

Photo Credit :Voncel’s Reflection