We are half way through the summer and some are still trying to lose the weight before the summer ends. Everyone says to take this pill or follow this diet or do this exercise and the weight will fall off! Well, we want to know what really works! We interviewed Rami Abramov and Vicky Ushakova, founders of Tasteaholics, as they set the record straight on ways to lose weight!

What is Tasteaholics?
Tasteaholics.com is an online health and wellness resource that focuses on the low carb, ketogenic and sugar-free way of living. In short, we limit carbs and eat plenty of dietary fat and protein. We started it in early 2015 to document our weight loss journey and showcase the seriously delicious meals and recipes we’d been making. Today, Tasteaholics sees almost 1 million monthly readers who enjoy our recipes and science-backed articles.
We’ve got a great intro guide to the keto diet, if you aren’t familiar with it.
What is Keto In Five?
Keto in Five is our first cookbook series in which all recipes are made using only 5 common ingredients and contain up to 5 grams of net carbohydrates per serving. The series consists of 30 breakfast, 30 lunch and 30 dinner recipes with a much-requested dessert sequel to be released soon! All of the recipes are low carb, sugar-free and gluten-free as well.
You would be surprised how much you can get from just 5 ingredients! For example, you can have blueberry pancakes or maple pecan porridge for breakfast, savory French crepes or a loaded pizza casserole for lunch, and a Mediterranean lamb burger or gourmet-style seafood for dinner.
The series is currently available by digital download and also in the Kindle Store. Paperback copies will be available soon!
Where did the inspiration for helping people lose weight come from?
We were understandably skeptical of the ketogenic diet at first but after seeing such stellar results, not only in our weight but our overall health and happiness, we needed to tell everyone about it. Most of the time, people were simply afraid of giving up their favorite foods. We decided to start Tasteaholics to show them that they could eat their favorite foods and still lose weight. They just needed to tweak the recipe a bit! Plus, who can resist a diet in which bacon is encouraged?
Low carb doesn’t mean low flavor. In fact, fat is flavor! So many of the foods we eat are flavorful on their own, without much extra effort. We swap low carb-friendly ingredients in place of traditional carb-filled ones with, so far, very successful results.
When it comes to dieting what are some common issues that people do not take into account?
Many people don’t anticipate the distractions that start to arise when dieting. Eating out and having friends and family on a totally different meal plan is hard to work around! We recommend planning it out and being prepared.
When you know you’re starting a ketogenic diet, do some research and learn the basics of nutrition. Buy some keto products and get familiar with the diet. You’d be surprised how many people don’t know what a carb is or where you can find it! If you’re planning on eating out a lot, know ahead of time what to order. Skip the fries, pasta and bread. Be wary of sugary sauces and most desserts. Instead, meats are usually a safe bet. Load up on salads, buttery veggies, creamy sauces, and cheeses.
Don’t let your guard down at home! Keep your fridge and pantry stocked with low carb snacks like cheeses, jerky, nuts, seeds, avocados, pickles, dark chocolate, sugar-free sweets and some low sugar fruits. Try to get your roommates or spouse and kids on board; you’ll have much more success when everyone is involved.
You might also want to invest in some keto diet supplements. Take a look at this essential guide to a few of the most popular options out there for some inspiration: https://ketodietschool.com/best-keto-diet-pills/.
Does the Ketogenic lifestyle include workout regiments?
Not necessarily, but it never hurts to be more active! Many people see amazing results on the ketogenic diet just cutting carbs and upping their fat intake alone. As the old saying goes, weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Exercise in any form can speed up weight loss and contribute various benefits including improved heart health, better joint mobility, and more energy.
What can we look forward to from Tasteaholics?
We’ve got lots of projects on our hands that we can’t wait to share with our readers. We’re currently putting all our efforts into updating our Android app, Total Keto Diet, and making it available on iOS loaded with a keto-centric calorie and macro tracker. Our Keto in Five cookbooks will be available in paperback format on Amazon.com very soon. We’re also working on launching some physical low carb products under a new brand over the next few months. We’re excited to continue expanding into different sectors of the low carb industry and being a part of the nutrition revolution.
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