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VFerg introduces <i>Higher Level Music</i>

“I want to challenge people to use music in a responsible way. That’s the idea of Higher Level Music. There’s an extra element of thought and awareness, but it’s also meant to be a good time.” VFerg declares.

With enough social injustice in the country to make you wonder if you are actually living in the 21st century, VFerg is speaking on it through his music. He’s the perfect man to bridge that gap. By night, you can typically find him hosting lively underground New York City jams as part of his Creative Public Offering collective, performing to packed crowds at hot spots like SOBs, and recording endless amounts of music. During the day, he works as an “Illuminator,” educating sixth and seventh graders on matters of Social Justice.

We caught up with VFerg recently. Check out our conversation and his latest single Birds of a feather.

QG: Where did the inspiration for Birds of a Feather come from?

The inspiration sparked from hearing the phrase on a podcast by Tim Ferriss, author of  The 4 Hour Workweek. He says there is gold in every cliche if you look deeper. I began to think about the current political environment and how people are taking sides and standing firm. At various rallies, there might be a variation of love and hate being projected. You can get defined by who you hang around and associate with. People rub off on you. Choose your flock wisely. 

QG: Please explain your take on the use of music?

Music is an amplifier of emotion. When it’s party time, music gets you there.  Feeling reflective? The right song can bring you to tears. Feel like fighting systematic racism? We got a chant for that. Music is a universal language. You don’t need to understand the words to get a feeling or intention from music.  Music offers an escape from your current reality/situation. You can temporarily become the music and live the songwriter’s story. Music gives a voice and soundtrack to social movements and social change.

QG: How do you feel about the current political state of the country?

I feel like the average politician has few things in common with the average American. Wealth and power are influencing decisions. Being relatable and empathetic is a luxury item. At the presidential level, I feel that fear is being overused to sway votes. It’s fear over facts.  I feel like  there are too many “career politicians”.

QG: What do you believe is missing from the music industry?

The industry needs more ways for the public to get exposed to new and quality emerging artists. There is so much noise on the internet that it’s hard to find the creative gold. Artists also need more alternative  revenue streams. Corporations and brands should invest more on independent music products and artists.

QG: What can we expect from you in the future?

More music, videos, and shows. Also, more collaborations and remixes with popular artists.  More speaking engagements about social justice and personal empowerment. Finally, expect to learn more about my personal initiative called Creative Public Offering. We’ll be producing projects for young  and up-and-coming artists with a message

Photo Credit: Wil Pierce


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