Industry Veteran Cory Taylor Shares Stroke Survival Story
Yesterday the world celebrated National Stroke Day and industry veteran Cory Taylor has shared his story with us about his experience. Cory, a stroke survivor has recently become an ambassador for the American Heart and Stroke association. We spoke with Cory while he shared some insight into his journey.
Cory, experiencing a stroke at a young age, how did it affect you mentally and physically?
This mild stroke I had affected me physically and mentally because I was very limited on what I could do physically. I use work out 2-3 times a week. Very active. That alone affected me mentally.
Professionally, did you have to change your workload?
As an entertainment manager I did have to slow things down a bit. I’m just about back to normal with my day to day business.
How supportive have your industry peers and clients been?
My industry peers and clients were very supportive especially; Faith Evans, SWV, 702, Doug E. Fresh, BBD, Carl Thomas, R.L. & many more!
When did you realize there was power in sharing your story?
I always realized there was power in sharing this story, but I had to get past the shame and embarrassment and just do it!
What did you have to change mentally, physically and emotionally?
The only thing I really had to change was my faith! I had to up my faith in God.
Did you have to change your diet? What does your diet consist of?
I definitely had to change my diet. I now eat more fish, baked chicken, oatmeal, fruit, vegetables, and nuts.
What is a common misconception about strokes that you did not know firsthand?
I felt having a stroke was equated with being a senior and up in age. I had a perceived notion about who is more likely to have a stroke.
Please tell us about discovering you were experiencing a stroke? What are the steps to identifying a stroke?
When I had a stroke my right side became numb and then as time was passing it became extremely weak. Everyone’s symptoms are different. I didn’t have a dropping face, my sight didn’t get blurry and my speech didn’t become noticeably slurry. I also didn’t have a headache. Those are some of the common symptoms.