Athletes Obtain Their Degree With Ballers Get Degrees
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Athletes Obtain Their Degree With Ballers Get Degrees

Many professional athletes choose to go straight to the pros without completing their college degrees. What happens when they want to go back to school to get the degree they once desired? As a young adult, it is difficult for most to stay focused and disciplined to actually finish their degree. What happens when you have been playing a professional sport for years and making a lot of money? It becomes challenging for athletes to transition into the educational world and obtain their degree.

Jarvis Johnson, former NFL cornerback for the Baltimore Ravens and former University of Miami associate dean, Dr. Craig Wilson, is helping athletes obtain their degree. They have started a new business venture called Ballers Get Degrees. Launched earlier this year, Ballers Get Degrees is an education consulting firm that was created to support professional athletes and entertainers who want to go back to school and attain a college degree.

Johnson, who played for the Baltimore Ravens for four years, was encouraged by his mother, to return to school and finish his degree. Having gone through the process himself, he understands the challenges players face when returning to college to finish their degrees and how overwhelming it can seem.

“It’s one thing to say. ‘Yes, I want to get started.’ But it’s another thing to get all the way to completion,” said Wilson. Although the value of education is highly regarded among many in sports and entertainment, not everyone has the incentive, self-motivation, or ability to navigate the path to complete a college degree. That’s where Ballers Get Degrees comes in, “to fill that void and empower them to succeed in their academic and career goals,” Johnson said.

Ballers Get Degrees services, which include three phases, were designed to create a progressive experience for pro-athletes and entertainers to reach their degree aspirations. “The services are ongoing,” Johnson said. Degree coaches guide clients through the world of academia from start to finish. “I’m here to remain in their lives as much as they need, or want me to, until a client meets their career and education goals,” said Johnson.

One way Ballers Get Degrees assists with college support is by outlining colleges where someone can get their degree by breaking down the lists of schools that are located near respective stadiums. They even highlight schools that allow you to attend school part time.

There are many players who went back to school to get their degree like Michael Jordan who obtained his degree 2 years after entering the NBA and Don Nelson who received his degree after 50 years of entering the NBA. If you are interested in obtaining your degree its not too late.

For more information on Ballers Get Degrees click here.

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