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Twins in Toledo, Ohio Named High School Valedictorian and Salutatorian

17-year-old twin brothers, Deontae and Deontrae Wright graduated from Scott High School in Toledo, Ohio as their school's 2019 Valedictorian and Salutatorian. While Deontae led his class with a 4.5 GPA, Deontrae came right behind him with a 4.4 GPA.

According to the twins, their academic success is based on their internal competition with each other.

“We both like to compete against each other,” Deontrae told WTVG. “We want to score higher than each other.”

Both brothers have reported secured full rides to The Ohio State University where they plan to study electrical engineering and minor in business. They plan on opening their open their own firm after graduation.

“It feels awesome knowing that I put in the hard work and got something out of it,” Deontae said. “It feels great at the end of the day.”

Not only are the brothers star students, but they both hold down jobs and complete over 70 hours of community services.


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