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World Food Day: NBFJA Fights for Food Sovereignty and Social Justice

In a perfect world, everyone would have three meals a day, and no one would ever wonder when they'd have their next meal. Since 1945, the United Nations has acknowledged food as a right and created World Food Day to implement its vision in the fight against world hunger. Annually observed since October 16th, 1979, the holiday provides the opportunity for individuals and organizations to do their part by raising money or donating to a local food bank. Organizations like the National Black Food and Justice Alliance are not only striving for food security but also the acknowledgment of cultural traditions and narratives.

National Black Food and Justice Alliance (NBFJA) is a partnership of Black-run organizations supporting and encouraging aspiring leaders, communities, and self-reliance as well as creating institutions for "food sovereignty." NBFJA's mission is to come together in hopes of building awareness and sharing their vision with food systems and land work rights on all levels.

Co-founder and national organizer Dara Cooper and field organizer Randolph Carr III are making strides for the alliance's vision to come to fruition with the help of their leadership team. Inspired and influenced by historical trailblazers such as natural healer Dr. Alvenia Fulton and Fannie Lou Hamer for her Freedom Farm Cooperative in Mississippi, the NBFJA continues to fight for "black food justice".

To learn more about the National Black Food and Justice Alliance, please visit their website.

Photo Credit: National Black Food and Justice Alliance

Sources: National Black Food and Justice Alliance/ The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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Theo Owen
Theo Owen
Jul 24

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