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The Quintessential Gentleman Presents The New York Latino Film Festival FUTURO Digital Conference

The New York Latino Film Festival (NYLFF) kicked off its festival today and will be providing entertaining offerings in the forms of drive-in/in-person experiences and virtual programming.

This year, The Quintessential Gentleman is the sponsor of NYLFF's FUTURO Digital Conference. FUTURO Digital Conference features forums spotlighting leaders and top social influencers in digital content (creators and distributors), mobile app companies and mobile technology leaders targeting the market.

On Wednesday, September 16, audiences will be able to attend 4 panels on various game-changing topics. A list of panels are below.

La Nueva Link: A Silla at the Table - 10:00AM ET

Building an audience for Latinx storytelling. The behind the scenes players may be the answer to the entertainment industry's representation problem. A conversation with marketing professionals and creatives in leading entertainment companies committed to championing and proving the value of inclusive stories for a Latinx audience.

This panel dives into the behind the scenes work to market relevant content to an underserved and underrepresented yet powerful Latinx audience. The panel can provide insightful tools for all of us asking for diverse representation in media and positions the issue of representation beyond the story, showcasing how crucial the boardroom is here as well.

She is the Future: Women in Digital Panel - 12:00 PM ET

This group of women is the new wave of leaders that are creating a seismic shift in today’s culture by reclaiming women's history, freedom of artistic expression and equality. This panel will explore the behind the scenes of the industry as a woman content creator. They are women leading the charge and making a huge impact!

Like a Boss - Entrepreneur Panel - 2:00 PM ET

Engaging with your followers can be a lucrative business. Rather you’re running a start-up or simply sharing your quarantined life understanding how to navigate your market can be the key to success. Learn how these content creators strategically turned a post into their net worth. This panel will explore building brand awareness, growing your audience and the importance of collaborations.

Digital Social Activism - A Trending Topic - 5:00 PM ET

What was once local news has now become national news when it spreads on social media. People are taking it upon themselves to create digital spaces to share content to keep the masses informed of the daily happenings of the world. This panel will explore digital media platforms and content producers and their social responsibilities to their followers and to the culture. Also addressing how they are using their platforms to speak out against the inequalities of people of color.

Make sure to tune into the NYLFF YouTube Channel to attend.


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