Jasmond Hatch

May 13, 2020

Co-Founder of Veriheal CannaTech Says Cannabis is Important During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Updated: May 19, 2020

Go ahead and try cannabis, really it's ok! The gurus behind the healthcare technology platform Veriheal make it easy for qualifying citizens to access it. Meet Joshua Green, one of the creators of this CannaTech brand driven to educate people on how cannabis is more helpful than people think. While being excellent and innovative, Joshua and his co-founder Sam do their best to stay ahead of the curve, give back and make cannabis easily accessible. They also explore ways that their brand is more than needed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tell our readers more about Veriheal. What's the main focus and mission of your company?

Veriheal is a healthcare technology program where we connect patients with doctors to help them obtain their cannabis card. Our brand and our mission are to normalize cannabis and especially medical cannabis. We do that by helping many people get safe and legal access to it.

Why do you feel cannabis access is so important during the current COVID-19 pandemic? Why is it a must? 

There are a lot of people out there who have a lot of questions and need medical cannabis to live a healthy pain-free life. The cannabis plant in itself has so many compounds in it and has so many different ways of helping people treat their illnesses. We focus on and help people who have cancer, back pain, and even down to trouble sleeping. Those are all qualifying conditions to help people get access to try cannabis to treat them. We allow people to educate themselves and how to get with a doctor to get them the care they need as it relates to cannabis. Services such as ours are not readily available out there so we help simplify the process. We educate and inform patients on where and how they can get it. During this pandemic, we are helping a lot of people with this. We have an upper hand because we're a virtual company to begin with. We do a lot of telemedicine and online visits, and people are benefitting from it right now.

With so many law passing issues surrounding cannabis and marijuana, how do you guys manage to stay ahead of the curve when conducting business? How does Veriheal thrive? 

Our core here at Veriheal is that we are business people and marketing people. We know our job is to find a way to cut through the noise and to help people understand the basics while educating them, and getting them excited. We are always brainstorming and getting geared up for what's next and how to be better. We depend a lot on our technology and our team. We have some amazingly smart people on our team that helps us to innovate and capture that audience so we can keep pushing forward.

How different is it for men to smoke cannabis vs women? 

I'll give a perspective from my personal experience. I notice that women like to be more educated users in general. You'll notice this in any industry such as food, dieting, furniture shopping, etc. They seem to find out a little more about the product and do more research. Men are more passionate and affectionate. If we get our enjoyment or satisfaction out of it then we are good. We lead more on the experience and the feeling of things.

What can we expect from Veriheal post the COVID-19 pandemic?

You can expect to see excellence from us. Our business is already built on technology and social distancing which is great news for us because we offer plenty of online resources. We are going to keep driving our business to excellence. You'll also see more innovation for us to connect and reward our customers. We want to give them even more ways to access cannabis. We also recently launched a cannabis scholarship for the fall. We want to give back to students during this pandemic and be able to push education and access. We love giving back.

Learn more about Veriheal on the website.