Jasmond Hatch

Feb 12, 2020

“Ready to Love” Star Jimmy Jones is Looking For Love In All The Right Places

Let’s face it, we all want true love. We all want that one person that we can love unconditionally and embrace everything about them. Jimmy Jones has all the right answers for everyone out there who may not know how to get it. From being on OWN’s Ready to Love, Jimmy has learned how you can be the best version of you. Being true to yourself and your values is what Jimmy lets us know on how to snag the perfect person for you and you only.

You’re fresh off the second season of OWN’s Ready to Love. What is the biggest teachable moment you learned going through that process?

Stay true to who you are and focus on being the best version of me that I can be. I think that it’s important to be yourself no matter what. Also, love yourself for who you are.

Would you compare the dating on that show to the dating scene in Atlanta?

The show was a great representation of the dating scene in Atlanta. Obviously, everyone in the show was an Atlanta resident and brought with them some of the things that we see when coming across a potential partner in the city. However, due to the show, everything was very fast-paced, and we were kind of under the microscope.

We all know that we live in a society where people tend to look at how much a person makes rather than their personality. As a Black professional, besides stability and money, what are some attributes that should stand out the most when getting to know someone?

For me, I look at the relationship the woman has with her family. How she was raised reflects on her values as a person and could very likely show up in her relationship values as well.

What are some old and traditional “rules” women should not expect from men in this generation?

A man is not always going to make the first move. Shoot your shot ladies! Roll up in his DM’s. Send the ‘good morning handsome’. If you miss the first shot, shoot again!

Describe your perfect Valentine’s date.

The perfect V-Day date is all about the surprise! My father used to surprise my mother with the most unexpected, often very lavish gifts just to see her face. I miss my mother’s face being that happy.

What advice would you give men who don’t know where to start when seeking a woman to date?

Be true to your personality. Go places you like to go to. When you are ready, you won’t have to look, she will find you. I truly believe that’s how the universe works. If all else fails, there’s always good ole’ dating apps!

Make sure to follow Jimmy Jones on Instagram.