
May 23, 2016

QG Model of the Week: Aman Negash

This weeks QG Model is not just a man, he’s a Gentleman. Check out why he is our Quintessential Gentleman Model of the Week!

Oakdale, Minnesota 

Nutrition Service at United Hospital

Career Goals:
My goal is to become as well-rounded of a person as possible. To achieve that, I get involved with lots of community service events, volunteering at a hospital, and I go to school part time. In addition to that, one of my main career goals is to become as successful as possible in the modeling industry and beyond. 

Favorite Vacation Destination:
Ethiopia, because that’s where I’m originally from and Paris because I’ve always dreamed about traveling there.

Why I want to be the QG Model of the Week:
Well, I truly believe that I should be the QG model of the week because one, it would be a tremendous start and motivation to start off my dream career goal and I also want others to understand and recognize that if you put your heart out to something such as modeling in my case, you can definitely get somewhere. Over all, I believe that this would be a huge motivation for me in terms of mental, physical and emotional.   


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