
Apr 21, 2020

Top Tips for Getting a Better Night’s Sleep

Many things can disturb your sleep or keep you from settling down at night. You may be dealing with personal or professional problems, and the worrying thoughts keep circling your head. It could be that you have too much excess energy, and your body simply doesn’t feel tired enough to sleep. Whatever it is that is keeping you awake; you must try to overcome the problem for the sake of your health. When you sleep, your body takes the time to recover from the day before, and a lack of sleep can also have adverse effects on your mental well-being. Try these top tips to help promote a better night’s sleep and see how it improves your mindset and how you physically feel.


One of the most common issues people have when it comes to restless sleep is a poor quality mattress. If it isn’t giving you the right support, you will feel uncomfortable through the night and most likely start tossing and turning as a result. Not only this, but you could wake up the next morning feeling stiff and aching because you have slept on an uneven surface. You should change your mattress every eight years, and it’s always better to try in store before you buy it.


Another useful tip to improve your sleep is taking part in more physical activity. You might already be going to the gym regularly, but if not, then consider introducing more exercise into your routine. Going for a run or a work out will help you to expel any excess energy you have left and will leave you ready to sleep through the night. It is an excellent way to give your body the cardio and strength training it needs and promote better mental health.

Reduce Alcohol and Caffeine

In times of stress, people often turn to alcohol to relieve them of their worries. This isn’t a good idea for numerous reasons, but it certainly won’t encourage a good night’s sleep. Even though you might feel as though you drift off more quickly after alcohol consumption, it disturbs your sleep cycle throughout the night. Waking up with an increased need to urinate or a glass of water due to dehydration. It is also thought to interrupt REM sleep, which is the most restorative sleeping pattern for your body. This is why you often wake up feeling groggy the morning after drinking.

Caffeine is another one to avoid if you’re struggling to sleep. Although a cup of fresh coffee might be perfect for getting you going in the morning, if you consume too many caffeinated products throughout the day, it’s quite clear that this will keep you up all night. Avoid caffeine after 2 PM to help improve your sleep.

CBD Products

CBD has helped people with various conditions, including insomnia and anxiety, the latter of which is one of the most common things that keep people up at night. Some people are wary of using CBD products because of the association with marijuana, but they are safe to use and will not get you high as they don’t contain the THC compound. These products can help to relax and calm your mind. If you want to know more about these products, you can visit stores like these Oklahoma marijuana dispensaries or others across the United States. They might not be for everyone, but they could help ease your troubled sleep.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is known all over the globe for its calming scent and is associated with relaxation. You could purchase some lavender scented bath soaks or salts and enjoy a hot bath before you go to bed each night. The heat from tub combined with the floral scent should undoubtedly help you drift off each night into a peaceful sleep. If this seems like too much effort to do each evening, try spraying some lavender essential oil onto your bedding. Not only will the aroma help you relax when you get into bed, but it will keep your room smelling wonderful. Just remember to dilute the oil in some water, so the perfume isn’t overwhelming.


Meditation could be another useful tactic to help you get to sleep at night. It can be a tricky practice to start with, a lot of people struggle to completely clear their mind of thoughts. Try guided meditation to help you get used to it. Introducing this into your daily routine, ideally, before you go to bed, will help to calm your mind and should make it easier for you to drift off to sleep.

At one time or another, everyone will struggle with getting enough rest into their routine. Your body and mind need to get the right amount of sleep each night, though, so if you do find it difficult, try one or more of these tips to help tackle the problem.