In a society where athletes are as, if not more, influential than movie stars and musicians, there’s one you may not know. I’m talking about Matt Cogar, arguably the greatest American Lumberjack athlete alive. Cogar has competed in and won five consecutive STIHL TIMBERSPORTS U.S. Pro Championships. An unmatched stretch by any American STIHL TIMBERSTORTS competitor.
However, Cogar isn’t just competing; he’s dominating, blowing away his competitors. His only real competition seems to be World Champion, Jason Wynyard (New Zealand). At 31 Cogar hasn’t entered his prime but even at this point, Cogar has no American rival.
For most athletes, their skill came randomly with parents that weren’t themselves athletes. With Cogar, it’s the opposite, lumberjacking is in his blood. From the small town of Diana, West Virginia Cogar and his extended family including his father and cousin have competed and found great success in any of the six disciplines of Lumberjacks.

Matt Cogar, the five-time U.S. Champion. {Image via STIHL}
Cogar family has been a professional collective of Lumberjacks for decades, and Matt is the prodigy. He chops through wood the way a knife cuts through a medium-rare Filet Mignon. His form is incredible uses technique and choosing his chops for optimal damage with each strike. To go with the thought and technique, Cogar is a physical presence. Picking up an ax when he was just two years old, Matt would often go with his father to Lumberjack competitions and thus learned the ropes; he’s been preparing for this all his life. Standing at 6’4” and 245 lbs, has even more potential as he gets older and enters his prime.
Cogar and other competitors compete year-round all across the country and across the world, but at least for October, he can be seen on ABC this Sunday and the next, catch the competition in real time.
The video below is just a highlight reel from a Milwaukee Championship (Cogar is the one winning).