In the wake of Black History Month, we reflect on moments in history and last night we were taken on a journey that led us to true African-American history captured by the hand of a true African-American historian.

Jim Hill an activist and humanitarian, has found a way to capture these moments in history with a depiction of the black culture that has such a deep and powerful message through mosaic art. His unique approach to artwork boggles the mind and speaks to the heart of every person fortunate enough to behold this particular body of work. Pieces such as The Birth Of The Angry Black Woman and Historical Blues highlight the struggle that affects African-Americans but touch on more of the history in general. This 70 Year old, Brooklyn born artist has dedicated his life to making the lives of others better. You can read all about the Life of Jim in his Book “Historical Blues – 100 Stories and 100 Pictures“.
If you ever get the chance, please check out his work.