Halloween has been killing it (pun intended) at the box office and has remained at number 1 over the past two weekends. The fourth installment of the film’s franchise brings us through the same feud between Michael Myers and Laurie, played by Jaime Lee Curtis. One unexpected surprise in the film was the comedic relief by breakout star, Jibrail Nantambu. If you’ve seen the film you know what I’m referring to if you haven’t seen the film, no spoilers but you have to check it out. We had the opportunity to speak with the hilarious Jibrail Nantambu about his role in the film. Check out our interview below.
How did you feel shooting Halloween? Very good. I was excited! It was a good experience. I loved expressing my creativity and love of acting. It was so fun and I did not know that the set would be so big. I also learned I have to do one on one schooling with a teacher on set.
How did you get the role? My father got me with a talent agent and I got sent a script for a role that said: “Uncle Orange” and not Halloween. I did a self-taping of me reading the lines and sent it back to the talent agent…about 3 or 4 months later, I got a call back asking if I could make it to South Carolina for a call back on the part. I met with the director and producers and auditioned again. I then returned home and got a call a few weeks later and was told I got the part.

Photo credit: John Edward Weatherall III
Did you know about Michael Myers before filming? No, I never heard of him or the movie Halloween. I wasn’t really into horror films. I’m more of an action or superhero film kinda guy. I met him on set. The man behind the mask was not really scary. But when they said action he was terrifying and he’s really good at acting like a psycho killer.
What will you be dressing up as for Halloween? I don’t celebrate it. It’s ironic that I got a breakout role in this film but I’m sure glad the movie exists and I was chosen for it.
What was the most exciting part about filming Halloween? Being able to travel and be on a real major film set was exciting. I like doing new things and having adventures. Also, meeting Jamie Lee Curtis, she is so good at acting and for my first job, I was so excited to meet somebody so big. She was super nice and gave great advice and has been helping me in my career since the film has been released

Do you think Michael Myers can come back? Of course, he is Michael Myers. I don’t think he can die. I hope they make another film and that I’m in it.
What can we look forward to from Jibrail Nantambu? I hope and pray I get more films, more work, and more jobs. I’m so grateful and happy I got this role and people liked me in it. The movie has opened up more opportunities for me to do acting jobs. I am also meeting people that want to work with me in building a career. I have a lot of auditions and I hope to do big movies and other great projects.
Make sure to follow Jibrail Nantambu on Instagram.
Main Photo Credit: John Edward Weatherall III