The guys of Mindless Behavior have been tearing up stages across the world for years, now the boys have grow into men with a new sound and new attitude. We had the opportunity to chat about their new project, new roles and new views. Now consisting of Princeton, Elijah “EJ” Johnson and Mike River, the new MB vows to continue to bring you the very best of them in every way possible. Check out what the guys had to say bel
The Quintessential Gentleman: As a member of the group, tell us what you bring to the table and tell us your definition of Mindless Behavio

Princeton: I think I definitely bring a sense of presence and performance to the group all the time while also being entertaining. Being “Mindless” is being smart about your life and about your business.
QG: Where would you say you guys are now as a group compared to where you were when you first started?
Princeton: We definitely have changed. We are grown now. When the world got introduced to Mindless Behavior we were 14 years old and everyone viewed us as young kids (which we were). Now that we took a break and recorded a whole new album, the brand is a little different but the movement is the same. We are 18-20 years old now and the music is different because we’re different. We just hope the fans that we had years ago stay with us as we expand to reach a bigger audience.
QG: Can each of you tell me about your musical influences and when you realized that music was for you?
Mike: I feel like I’ve known music was for me since I was two or three years old. My whole family was highly involved in music. The most influential people in my life when it came to music would be my dad and Michael Jackson. I’ve been an MJ fan as long I can remember.
EJ: I’ve been an MJ fan since I was about 6 years old. His music videos inspired me and watching him, I knew I wanted to do that. No matter if MJ was singing or dancing, I wanted to do that.
Princeton: Growing up, I just always loved to entertain. I was the only child so I always got the attention. So when I got on stage I just loved the attention. It wasn’t until I got older and started to study music that I found out about Michael Jackson, Prince and David Bowie. Also, all the Urban boy groups that paved the way for us.
QG: Tell us something that most people don’t know about you. What do you do when you guys have free time or what is something you all like to do off the road to relax?
Mike: I’ll tell you what both of the guys like to do. Prince loves anything with water! If it’s water at the hotel or the house we are staying in, he loves the water. EJ loves to create! Even when we are not working, he is always creating. I recently I got into drawing and love to dance. I always have a set of headphones on at all times.
Princeton: I don’t want you thinking I like to swim while everyone likes to work! I like to study interviews and music but besides that I’m a merman.
QG: Sometimes it can be a challenge for everyone to mesh well. How was it for you guys coming together and actually creating organic chemistry? How long did it take for you guys to know this was the right fit?
Princeton: It didn’t take that long because we were in the mindset of winning and really anxious to put the music out there. Whatever it took to get the album out there we did it. Even if that meant getting on each other’s nerves. From the first day we met, Mike and I didn’t really like each other until we were kind of forced to be with each other. Then we saw the good traits about each other but me and EJ hit it off right off the bat. We are brothers and that’s what I believe makes a good group; that chemistry.
QG: What are some of your individual goals?
Mike: Such a hard question to answer because right now we are really just focusing on the group and promoting this album. I would Like to focus on “Official MB Music” and what we do to bring as much attention to it.
Princeton: I definitely agree. If we focus so much on what we’re going to do in the future we are not going to enjoy the moment. Personally, I see EJ directing movies and Mike developing artists and becoming like a young Diddy.
QG: What is it that you guys are trying to put out there now with this new project and what can we look forward to?
Mike: One thing for sure would be our performance. We are always going to kill the stage. Second would be how much we have matured. We’ve grown up so much since the last time you heard anything from the brand. Last, speaking our truth. We have more control over what we can say on this album. With us being older and coming back after being away for some time, we have lived more and have experienced a lot more things since the last time you heard from us. Expect “realness” from this album.
QG: Tell us about the single you guys are pushing.
MB: We have a single called “I want that” ft. Bad Luck and Problem out right now. I think it’s a great record for everyone to hear the new sound. It’s real west coast and every time you hear it you can’t help but dance. We are classic “MB”; we are singing, dancing and performing which a lot of artists are not doing right now. When you see the music video that’s what u get and its just a hype record. I think a lot of people will enjoy and vibe with it. Boys, girls, teens, everybody will love it.
QG: When do you guys plan on touring?
MB: Right now we are in Las Vegas shooting a movie together. We start touring in a couple of months around October or November. We can’t wait. It has been a while since we’ve been on the road.
QG: Where can everyone find this album?
MB: You can find it EVERYWHERE. The album is called “Official MB Music” and is available on iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, F.Y.E Store, Target, Walmart and Best Buy. We were really scared to put it out because we didn’t know how people would react to it. Within the first hour of dropping at midnight on the east coast, we debuted at number one on iTunes and number three on the R&B Billboard charts.
As you can tell, the guys have certainly grown into mature young men, but one thing you can be sure of is Princeton, EJ and Mike will continue to bring you great music.
Listen to #OfficialMBMusic Itunes, Amazon and Google Play
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