Kornelius Bascombe is most popularly known as the man who set the bar extremely high for men when he proposed to his fiance on a helipad. We had the opportunity to find out what Mr. Bascombe does when he’s not planning engagement proposals that go viral, working in the entertainment industry and more.
You are an Actor and TV Producer. How did you get your start in the entertainment industry?
I got my start in the entertainment industry while I was a sophomore in college at North Carolina State University. I originally went to school for sociology/criminology, because I wanted to work in law enforcement, but my fraternity brother said I should give entertainment a shot. Back in 2010, Oprah was having a competition for folks to have their own show on her, then, new network, OWN. I applied and received over 5 million votes across the country, and was flown out to Los Angeles to meet with her producers. Unfortunately, at the time I wasn’t what they were looking for, so the following year, Time Warner Cable was having a similar competition, and I ended up winning, and hosting Time Warner Cables (Now Spectrum) first African American Show, Born To Shine.
What do you think about diversity in the TV/Film industry?
I believe the industry still has tons of work to do as it relates to diversity. African Americans are definitely starting to get noticed throughout the entertainment realm. Both in front of the camera and behind the camera. I really love the idea that there are so many different avenues to create content. From Network TV and cable to a fast-growing digital space, you can expect a wide range of diversity in the coming years. We still have long ways to go. There are numerous shows that are really helping to show networks that African Americans, Hispanics and other minorities are consuming television.

How important is it for there to be diversity not just in front of the camera but behind the scenes as well?
Diversity in front of the camera and behind the camera is extremely important. In any industry, you benefit so much from other folks who have a different point of view than you. Television is unique because we aim to entertain and educate people of all backgrounds, which is why a television cast and production crew should be representative of that. It’s almost impossible in this day and age to produce television and not have a crew/cast that tells the story you’re seeking to tell.
What advice would you give to someone who is interested in working in TV?
The entertainment industry is what you make it. I’ve been blessed over the last couples years to be in a position where I’m creating opportunities and being a part of opportunities that I feel are right for me. Working as a producer on an Emmy winning show, like Undercover Boss has taught me so much. My passion is to be in front of the camera and also behind the camera, so I’m doing my best to work towards my own personal goals and dreams. If someone wants to be successful in the entertainment industry you must put in those 10,000 hours of really studying the craft. There’s so much to absorb and with the current state of technology, it’s so easy to create your own content and share it with the world. We’re in a new age of media where anyone can post, share and create their own content. There’s no “perfect” time to start. You just have to jump in and start. If someone wants to be in the industry, then my guess is they already have an idea of what they would like to do. If its more so on the creative, i.e., acting, producing, writing, and directing, then they should go ahead and start doing it now. If it’s more so on the logistical and managerial side, they should start from the ground up, as a production assistant and learn from there.
Many recognize you for your amazing engagement proposal. Have you started the plans for the wedding to go viral?
Going viral was one of the coolest things in the world. We were initially planning our wedding but my mother and grandmother have become extremely sick and we’ve had to use all of our savings on helping to care for my family. Unfortunately, we have to start back planning, we’re hoping for late 2018, early 2019.
Are you working on any of your own projects?
I’m currently working on a few projects. I’ve just written a script that I plan on shooting and pitching to networks later this year. I’m also working on a documentary with the 4th largest real estate company in the country, where we document stories of students coming from third world countries and trying to succeed in America.
What can we look forward to from Kornelius Bascombe?
I’m full of energy and I have a real love for enjoying life and treating every day like it’s my last. I’ll be creating shows/content that will continue to highlight African Americans. I’m all about uplifting our culture and having fun while we do it. As long as we have a medium like television, I’ll be doing that for the rest of my life.
Check out his Kornelius Bascombe proposal that went viral below and follow him on Instagram.
Photo Credit: David Muller