Shad Moss aka Bow Wow has always had the entrepreneur spirit and as he gets over he’s not letting his foot off the gas. Now he is diving into the fashion/beauty space with a line of velvet durags. Regardless if men wear their durags out in public or just in the house, men of color have and will continue to make sure their waves are spinning.
Bow Wow has partnered with Global Beauty and Grooming care leader Red By Kiss to create a luxury durag for both men and women. The new line will be released in mid-November and will feature an array of different velvet and satin durags that can be worn for style and hair care.

Last week, Bow Wow appeared at New York’s Hudson Terrace to unveil the new brand to press and influencers. Bow Wow also had select fans come out to celebrate and film a launch video with him for the new line.
I think getting into this business venture is a great idea. Durags are not going anywhere but I wonder how can he keep up with the competition as durags are so inexpensive and in New York, you can pick one up at any bodega.

Photo Credits: @tlsshoots | @nycplugged