Meet John Cheeks, the man who found himself at the center of a controversy after being denied what seemed like a life-changing $340 million lottery jackpot.
It all started in January 2023 when Cheeks, upon checking the D.C. Lottery website, discovered that the winning numbers perfectly matched those on his ticket.
Initially stunned, Cheeks remained composed, and shared the surreal moment with a close friend. Following his friend’s advice, he snapped a picture of the matching numbers, which is significant, being a combination of his family’s birth dates and other significant digits.
However, what appeared to be a stroke of incredible luck quickly became a nightmare as Cheeks was repeatedly rejected when attempting to claim his prize. Eventually, the D.C. Office of Lottery and Gaming delivered a devastating blow: the numbers displayed on the website for three days were a mistake. The numbers on the website were not the same numbers that were pulled during the live TV broadcast.
After a mix of disappointment and disbelief, Cheeks refused to accept the situation without a fight. He initiated a lawsuit against Powerball and the D.C. lottery. According to Washington, D.C. Court documents, Cheeks’ is demanding not only the $340 million owed to him but also seeking damages and interest for the turmoil caused by the ordeal.