Indoor miniature golf is a game for everyone. It’s easy to learn and fun to play, and the weather is always great when playing indoors. Sometimes, a friendly game of mini golf can be a competitive sport, even if just among friends, or perhaps an upcoming team-building mini-golf championship at the company retreat inspires you to improve your game.
The experts at Tipsy Putt suggest trying these five tips for improving your indoor miniature golf game:
1. Use the Right Equipment
There is no puttering around here; the right putter makes all the difference in having a great game. A putter has three components: the head, the shaft, and the grip. The head is the portion that makes contact with the ball. The shaft is the central part of the club and has a rubbery grip at the end. Working correctly with these components can make the difference between a good swing at the golf ball and a backache later.
Make sure that the shaft is long enough so that the top of the putter comes up to approximately the height of your hips with the head resting on the ground. A proper length for your size will keep unnecessary bending and squatting to a minimum. The grip should allow the putter to be held with a firm grasp.
The best part of indoor miniature golf is there’s no dress code! Some comfortable shoes and street clothes are all that’s needed for a good game. Even if you’re in office attire, anyone should be able to play a round easily, so there’s no need to invest in any special gear unless you are using a Fitbit to get more steps in.
2. Know How To Use It
The key to a good game is learning how to swing the putter and aim your ball toward the cup. Figuring out the best grip for the putter is another crucial step to using the putter well.
A proper golf stance is necessary for a good swing, but mini-golf courses don’t make it easy with obstacles, elevation changes, and sometimes even moving targets. Learning a proper stance and putting over an erupting volcano, past a swinging door, or up a sloped hill can be a great skill to have.
The swing is the key to driving the direction of the ball. Ensuring the swing lines up with the direction the ball needs to go is essential. Much like the stroke of a pool cue, the putter takes aim with the swing.
It matters which portion of the ball that you hit with your swing. Make sure you are swinging the putter so the center of the putter’s ‘face’ hits the ball. Hitting the tip of the head on either side will not get the desired effect.
The speed of the swing is also crucial and makes all the difference between the ball staying on the current hole, ending up in one of the obstacles, or even flying off the course altogether. While no sand traps exist on a miniature golf course, wild golf balls aren’t always welcome on someone else’s green. A less intense approach than regular golf is necessary here, and more practice will come in handy.
3. Practice Your Putts
No ifs, ands, or putts about it: improving your mini-golf games is done through practice. There’s no better way to practice than to play more miniature golf games. Miniature golf is an obstacle course for a golf ball; sinking a hole in one takes practice and patience.
This also applies to playing an actual game. Practice swinging before hitting the ball. Most people get nervous before trying any task, so practicing first avoids those swings that drive too hard or not hard enough. The more practice put in, the better the game gets.
4. Take a Lesson
Sure, it might seem overkill, but miniature golf is a skilled sport; just ask the US Pro Mini Golf Association. A golf lesson can involve many tips, and putting is one of them. A professional golf instructor will assess and make suggestions on improving stance, swing, and grip. They will often see things the average player can’t see for themselves. A golf lesson can be a whole lot of fun too!
YouTube can be an excellent resource for golf lesson videos. There are also several websites and golf articles specific to putting, which is what the miniature golf game is all about. Coaches are even using FaceTime and Zoom to coach people at home. Finding a good coach and the right space to take a lesson is key to honing those skills.
A miniature golf center should also have knowledgeable staff on site who can help with some suggestions. They might even host beginner nights or a group lesson.
5. Relax and Have Fun
When it comes to improving your indoor miniature golf game, the key component is to remember it’s a game. If there’s too much pressure, there’s not enough fun. The key is to keep the fun in and the stress out.
Whether in practice or on the putting greens, take a slow, deep breath before you take a swing. Then, see if taking a slow, deep breath and exhaling on the swing makes a difference. Slow, deep breathing has been scientifically shown to have positive effects on relaxing the body. Using this while playing a mini-golf game helps to remind the body to relax and release some tension, allowing you to swing smoothly.
Stretching also helps release tension in the body. A less tense body can move faster, which is needed for those golf swings. Relaxing and releasing tension is helpful in a better golf swing.
Miniature golf is a fun and relaxing game to play with friends or work colleagues. Events like speed dating and even charity tournaments can be a fantastic way to spend the day. Follow these tips, and may the course be with you!